Saturday, November 13, 2010

Baked Pumpkin

Now that Fall is winding down, it's time we bake the pumpkins from our Autumn displays to use in soups, pies, pumpkin-orange-cranberry cookies (my favorite!), desserts... The list goes on and on!  Cooking down a pumpkin is a simple but rewarding process:

Cinderella pumpkin - grown in our garden this year!

Cut in half so it fits on a baking sheet, and de-gut.  Save the seeds to roast or plant next year.

Place each half cut-side down on a baking sheet, and pour 1/2in of water in the pan.  The water prevents scorching and keeps the pumpkin moist while baking.

Set your oven to 350F.  Baking time varies by the variety of pumpkin - 45min to 1hr for what I call a soft-skinned pumpkin (those that can be easily carved with a kitchen knife - Cinderella, Jack-O-Lantern), 1hr to 90min for a hard-skinned pumpkin (those that only surrender by way of a hand saw or a strong husband - Blue Hubbard Squash, Young's Beauty).

Out of the oven, the soft-skinned varieties will deflate.
Lay out one layer of cheese cloth over a mesh strainer.  Ours has expandable arms, allowing it to fit over the sink.

Scoop out the innards, which at this point should lift out easily.  With hard-skinned varieties, the pumpkin may give in completely by separating from the skin before you're able to turn it over.

Allow to drain for at least 1hr to remove excess water.

Puree in a food processor if you prefer a smooth texture.  Happy baking!

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